La Mezcla | Decaf Colombia

from $15.00

A balanced decaf blend for anytime enjoyment! Caramel sweetness, creamy body and red fruit acidity. Think cherry, strawberry, pomegranate!

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San Agustín is a famous region of the ‘Macizo Colombiano’, which refers to a group of Andean mountains in Southern Colombia. It is home to the largest group of religious monuments and megalith sculptures in South America, constituting gods and mythical animals from Andean culture dating from the 1st century. The monuments comprise a UNESCO world heritage site.

Cóndor, the decaffeination company,  has partnered with local San Agustín farmers for over more than 30 years; together pioneering the commercialization of specialty coffee throughout the region. This has included the establishment of ‘Club San Agustín’, which identifies the top quality producers via an annual cupping competition. Cóndor’s work and operations in San Agustín have been proved over the years: based on direct relationships and sourcing from individual farmers, including the provision of technical services for improved agricultural practices, and a strong focus on cup quality.

Of these growers, approximately 80% are cultivating coffee on less than 3 hectares of land. These small farms are tended by family only, leading to more thorough and intensive management practices, and great pride in the final product.


Country/Region: San Augustin

Farmer: Various Smallholders

Cultivar: Caturra, Colombia & Castillo

Altitude:  1700-1900m

Processing: Washed, Natural Ethyl Acetate Decaf


caramel, creamy, red fruit

Daydream | Low-Caffeine Blend
from $15.50